Playing the Spy



It happened that I’ve had a fairy goodmother since I was born. Yep, I’m very lucky, I know… Fairy goodmothers can be sometimes unpredictable or be in a very rare (or directly bad) humor because it’s not easy to be what they are but in the end of the day we all want one because no matter how special they aree they take care of us. Do you have a fairy goodmother too? Maybe is it a fairy goodfather? OrThe Goodfather? Let’s share some experiences!

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The Purple Elephant did It

Traducción: Ya puedo usar el baño, ¿no? / ¡¿Qué ha pasado en el baño?! / "roto"

Traducción: Ya puedo usar el baño, ¿no? / ¡¿Qué ha pasado en el baño?! / “roto”

Sometimes I’m a bit… careless? Well, it’s not me really, but things. You know, in the past things were made well and they lasted for centuries, like Versalles or Stonehenge but today… No, today everything is made under planned obsolescence. Do you believe in this? Are you clumsy or you go around in life as agile as a ballet dancer? Let’s confess some… little catastrophes.

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Words around my body



Always trying to discover more about myself. I’m the one, as you should be the one in your own lives. However, I still feel I don’t know myself very well. I’ve been so busy imitaing others I thought they could be my inspiration. I was also busy trying to change things I don’t like in myself with more and less success, depending on the topic. I believe I turned into a very disciplined person (I used to be so carefree as a child) and polite (I was really insolent when little) and now I even go running at least three times a week! (I hated sports for such a long time). But those are things I can do with myself, and they don’t make me feel closer to my true essence, my true being. (I’m being very phylosophical today). What are the three ideas you’d stand for? What are the sounds, the smells and tastes you’ll keep with you forever? What do you love most? What do you fear most? What are the three things you did by yourself? In which places are the roads you travel along?

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Do you feel like cooking some… happiness?


What is desired by everyone? Money? Happines? I don’t consider myself materialistic, so I’ll say happiness. But, what the hell is happiness? A kind of Nirvana just some special guys can reach? A state of mind? A way of living? Something you can get through something else? (Like money, sacrifices, by reaching your goals…) What is happines for you? What would you include in your own “happiness recipe”?

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Madrid’s Book Fair

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Yesterday I was in the Madrid’s Book Fair (La Feria del libro, vamos). Although this is an annual event here, it’s been like… six year since last time I went. Why?

1. Usually it’s deadly hot. And I can’t stand it.

2. Far too many people. I can’t stand it either.

3. They always have the same books, bet-selleres and all that, and it’s boring. Plus, lately books are pretty expensive, so I usually think over a lot before buying one. (I love libraries).

But this year it was different…

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This wise little yellow thing



I’m not a wise woman at all. Years in school and university have given me intellectual knowledge. I can speak three languages, I’ve read tons of books and I’ve travelled a bit having some interesting experiences. But again, I’m not wise. I haven’t developed that true intelligence about life, the ability of looking at thins from a higher point. I’m usually overhelmed by my own emotions. Nevertheless, I do have a friend who help me in such occasions. Someone I can rely on, someone whose words are like tiny spots of light when I’m lost in the gloomiest night. And now I’d like to introduce this fine creature to you, my dearest friends… but before, Do you have any mentor? Any special friend who always offers you valuable advice? Maybe you rely on your relatives? What is true wisdom for you?

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I was wondering…



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When I was younger I used to be a very curious child. I was interested in everthing: from Egiptians to the Milky Way. A book about rabbits, a encyclopedia about ants (ants used to fascinating me so much) or a book about magic (from anthropological perspective) were presents I asked for in birthdays. Then it came school years. The lessons were so boring I hid a book under my desk to read while I was prettending to look at my tasks. (Which usually I didn’t do). After, asking the teacher was not cool in highschool. Whenever interesting questions were made (not the typicall “Can you explain that again because I didn’t get it”), specially in the Phylosophy class, bullers would boo the impudent. So I lost my ability (partiallly, I expect) of asking questions… Now, I want to think about things you cannot answer, things that would always be a mistery like who am I? why am I here? what is the point of existance? and such. Do you have any unaswered question?

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Cakes are made of flour and eggs but memories are what we are made of. They say memories and experiences make us the way we’re in the present. I don’t know. Maybe we’ve other innate qualities too. Or maybe we’ve forgot some of those memories which still control the way we are now. From what age is your first memory? What were you doing? What are the images you still can recall vividly in your mind?

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Breaking the rules of time, love and life in general


Here I am setting a new blog’s section this Monday. I’m writing in an uni’s computer so whatever unexpected event may happen I hope I’m able to publish this today. I love cinema. It runs in the family I guess. My granfather used to take my mother to the films when she was a little child, without paying any sort of attention to the restrictions in age and other things model parents are always worried of. My mother did exactly the same with my sis and I. This occasionated some traumas to my over-sensitive personality (taking a five-year-old to watch Princess Mononoke may be an interesting experiment). But the important thing is today I’m a cinema lover so my mum is satisfied as all her efforts were not in vain.

In this section I want to do a recount of all the films I’ve watched during the week and I’ll give special attention to the features in them I’ve enjoyed most.

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