What a twisted world we live in


This last week I went to the Cinema three times because I found several friends who wanted to come along and that’s why I also experimented with some different styles. Because I love cinema I don’t mind going on my own but sometimes sharing the impressions of the movie with someone afterwards can be so entertaining. It might give you even new ideas about the plot, characters… and so on. So what do you prefer, going with someone or alone? Why?

Dallas Buyers Club (2013) – Jean Marc Vallée


Actually I had already watched this film in January in my computer but I wanted to watch it again. It was again on the cinema (it was cheap) so it was the perfect ocassion. And this second time I’ve enjoyed the film more. Now afer having seen True Dectective and this film I can say Mattew McConaughey is such a great actor. Because I have the feeling that two different persons portrayed the main character in both of them…  In addition, Dallas Buyers Club is original, the main character suffers an interesting evolutive process, there is criticism, the transgender woman, Rayon, is credible and unique… This film is different from what I’m used to and that’s why I enjoyed it. The only tiny thing I didn’t like that much was that allusion to a possible relation between (Spoiler!) the main character and his female doctor. It’s like a convention in American films, right? That the male main character and the female main character must be together in the end. I don’t know why but it just didn’t fit in the story for me, although it’s apparently based on true events and that relasion might be also real, who knows…

Belle (2013) – Amma Asante


It’s a nice film, that’s all. I’m always interested in mansions and dresses from the XVIII century because yes, I’m kind of a freak  and I’m in love with old times. And British films always give so many details about its own golden age  and that’s is a pleasure for the eye. The story is similar to Pride and Prejudice but… spicy. It has originality, socio-political background… And I definitely prefer this to P&P which is nice at first but boring in the end with all that “let’s marry a rich man!!” I’m not interested in marriage, I’m afraid.

Short Term 12 (2013) – Destin Daniel Cretton


A breathtaking film based on the experiences of his director as a volunteer in a home for teenagers with problems. The main actress is so beautiful in the way only true characters can be… I liked the story and I have to admit I was all the time in tension waiting to see how the things were resulting in the end (and I didn’t expect that when I entered the cinema room…) It has some parts when you feel tempted to think that it’s actually cheesy because life can be so much hard. But it’s not that the film is cheesy at all, it’s just that the director chose to omit the hardest things of a story which all of us already expected to be quite hard. And this decission has provoked that now we feel a little decieved. The little story inside the movie about the octopus is truly disturbing though.

The Keeper of Lost Causes (2013) – Mikkel Nørgaard


The perfect movie to watch late in a Friday night. The plot doesn’t allow you to fall into Morpheus’ arms because you want to know who is the murder and why he did it and all that. A twisted bad guy with red hair, a funny couple of policemen, a super handsome brother with a damaged brain and an atracttive woman who has apparently comitted suicide are the ingridients of this story which seems to be so much complex (actually is based on a book). It’s so much better than The Hypnotist (a film I watched las week) although not that famous, I don’t know why…

3 thoughts on “What a twisted world we live in

  1. Hello again,

    I’m going to write this in english since I see you master the language, and at this time of day (22:00) my spanish is incomprehensible.
    It’s so good to see that you like going to the cinema, I also love it! Put me in a chair, in front of a big white screen, with pop-corn in one hand and a coca cola in the other, and I’ll be one happy girl.
    I’ve always respected people who don’t mind watching a movie alone (as well as those who don’t mind going to a café alone). I’ve done it only a couple of times myself, and it felt so uncomfortable I decided to drop it.

    But you see, that happened years ago, when I was going through a lonesome period in my life. I don’t think I would feel so uncomfortable now, since everything has changed, and I´m much more relaxed and I´ve come to terms with who I am. So, to answer your question, I guess it depends.

    I’ve also seen Dallas Buyer’s Club (and True Detective) and McConaughey is tremendous in both! I also loved Jared, but I always love Jared when he decides to act. This or the next week, I’m going to see Boyhood which I’m looking forward to and also Vivir es facil con los ojos cerrados.

    I’ve always wondered why foreign countries don’t use subtiltles for the movies, but instead do voice-overs? Which one do you prefer?

    Perdona el largo comentario, pero me encanta hablar de cine.

  2. Hello there!

    Thanks very much for your long comment, I really appreciate you take your time to write in my blog! And wow, now I’m impress, you not only master Spanish but also English… (and Greek).

    Going to the cinema alone also took me a while. The first times I felt kind of ashame and definitely out of place. But then I lived in another country for a year and I’d to spent my long dark winter evenings with something and most of my friends didn’t like the films I liked (they were more the “Hollywood comercial movies” kind, I don’t mean any disrespect but you know, they’d have never gone to watch “Dallas Buyers Club”, for example). So I started going on my own and… now I do it all the time. Because it’s fun, because I adore the misterious and almost sacred moment the lights go off and I share emotions with the other anonimous people watching the screen with me. And I don’t have arguments about what film should we watch haha. Although I also enjoy company (and a cherry lollipop to lick during tension moments ) when going to the movies,,,

    You’re right, Jared is wonderful in any film he’s acted. He’s a very talented actor and so handsome. Have you watched “Mr. Nobody”? I think that’s one of his better roles.

    Puede que yo también vaya a ver “Boyhood” un día de estos, la película parece bastante interesante… “Vivir con los ojos cerrados” aun no la he visto, pero me parece que en España ganó bastantes premios… ¡Nos leemos!

  3. Hello again,
    We have one thing in common then… we both consider cinema a sort of sacred place when the lights go off.

    Yeap, I’ve seen Mr. Nobody, and even though I didn’t like the outcome, I think that Jared was amazing.

    “Nos leemos”
    ¡Así es!

So I'm listening...